Stephen Kerr MP for Stirling has welcomed the news that the UK Government will be fully accepting the recommendations of the Bishop of Truro's report into overseas persecution of Christians.
The report found that, of all religions worldwide, Christians were the most persecuted. The attacks are especially concerning in the Middle East.
Prompted by a written Question from Stephen Kerr asking how implementation was proceeding, the Government responded saying:
"The Government has accepted all the recommendations of the Bishop of Truro’s report and work is underway to take them forward. We have established an implementation team, and have allocated £200,000 this year for research into concrete actions the UK can take in countries mentioned in the Report. My ministerial colleague, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, will oversee the recommendations’ implementation."
Stephen Kerr MP said:
" I am a firm believer in the Freedom of Religion and Belief. Individuals need to be free to follow the faith of their choice, or remain agnostic as they so choose. It is disgraceful how there is still so much faith-based persecution going on worldwide.
I am very pleased that this Government has taken action, and I will follow this issue as it continues to proceed through Parliament"